-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: The new Parallels Cloud Server 6.0 update introduces new features and provides stability and usability fixes. Issue date: 2015-03-19 Product: Parallels Cloud Server 6.0 Keywords: 'stability' 'usability' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. What's Included in This Update The new packages for Parallels Cloud Server 6.0 introduce new features and provide stability and usability fixes for virtual machine and Container management tools and Parallels Cloud Storage. 2. New Features - Support for Docker inside Parallels Containers (#PSBM-29806). You can now create and run Docker containers inside Parallels Containers based on supported OS EZ templates. - Improved Parallels Cloud Storage data balancing and a new space allocation algorithm (#PSBM-29966, #PSBM-30229, #PSBM-30289). A new space allocation algorithm balances data better in the cluster and helps avoid cluster performance degradation when new Chunk Servers are added. - Improved Parallels Cloud Storage I/O latency monitoring (#PSBM-31580, #PSBM-31839). The 'pstorage mnt-top command' provides new latency monitoring and shows network statistics and disk latencies for CS communications. The command lets users identify Chunk Servers and Nodes with the highest latencies and thus helps eliminate weaknesses in the data chain. The 'pstorage mnt-top' command shows average and top latencies as well as unaligned I/O statistics to help users identify files and virtual environments generating unaligned I/O. If a Parallels Cloud Storage I/O request is frozen for more than 7 seconds, a message about is added to '/var/log/messages'. 3. Bug Fixes - Invalid unlicensed space in pstorage stat. (#PSBM-29353) - The '-i' option was not ignored in 'pstorage make-mds -I -i' commands. (#PSBM-30139) - Parsing of listening address for 'make-cs' and 'configure-cs' commands did not work. (#PSBM-30144) - P2V migration of Ubuntu could fail because of failed GRUB detection. (#PSBM-30487) - Under certain circumstances, use of an e1000 network adapter in a Windows virtual machine could lead to kernel panic. (#PSBM-30624) - Improved error logging on the 'pstorage-mount' initialization stage. (#PSBM-30831) - Missing confirmation for the 'pstorage rm-cs --force' command. (#PSBM-31071) - Accessing Container's sysfs filesystem from both inside the Container and the host (CT #0) could lead to a kernel panic. (#PSBM-31275) - Under certain circumstances, a virtual machine registered in PACI could hang in the stopping state (#PSBM-31069) - The Distributed Replicated Block Device (DRBD) driver kernel module could not be compiled for the OpenVZ kernel. (#PSBM-31320, #OVZ 3168) - The 'yum update' command could fail due to incorrect repository configuration (#PSBM-31325) - Multicast packets could be processed incorrectly on hosts with bridged networking, which could lead to sporadic multicast packet storms or kernel panics. (#PSBM-31496) - Under certain circumstances, online migration of a Container could fail with the message "Error: rst_inotify: -17". (#PSBM-31567) - Checkpointing and restoration of a Container could break symbolic links in '/dev' which could lead to application failures. (#PSBM-31593) - An infinite loop could occur in the monitor script after a service's working directory had been unexpectedly removed. - Improved format for space and latency values in 'pstorage stat' and 'pstorage top' output. - A number of other bugs (#PSBM-20496, #PSBM-24602, #PSBM-26223, #PSBM-27443, #PSBM-28657, #PSBM-28708, #PSBM-28768, #PSBM-28883, #PSBM-28885, #PSBM-29036, #PSBM-29046, #PSBM-29181, #PSBM-29287, #PSBM-29513, #PSBM-30011, #PSBM-30027, #PSBM-30190, #PSBM-30197, #PSBM-30366, #PSBM-30667, #PSBM-30771, #PSBM-30804, #PSBM-30915, #PSBM-30930, #PSBM-31110, #PSBM-31539). 4. Known Issues - The 'prlctl' utility does not support some of the Container operations supported by 'vzctl' in the previous versions of Parallels Server Bare Metal. To perform such operations, use the 'vzctl' utility instead of 'prlctl'. - The offline management feature does not work for Containers operating in the bridged networking mode. For details, see the KB article at http://kb.sp.parallels.com/en/111356. - The offline management feature might not work for running virtual machines that operate in the bridged networking mode. The reason for this is that the destination MAC address in incoming offline management packets is changed when the packets are processed on the Parallels server. As a result, the processed packets contain a source MAC address different from the destination one in incoming packets and might be dropped by your router. To solve the problem, reconfigure the router to accept packets with the same IP address but different MAC addresses. As an alternative, you can set the network adapter of a virtual machine to operate in the host-routed mode. - Setting encrypted passwords for containers that run Ubuntu 10.04 is not supported. To work around the problem, set the password in plain text. For more details, see http://kb.sp.parallels.com/en/114759 (#PSBM-14886). - Cannot establish IPsec connections from Parallels Cloud Server Hardware Node to Containers. For more information, see http://kb.sp.parallels.com/120008. - Containers with multiple virtual hard disks cannot be backed up or restored via Parallels Virtual Automation or using the 'vzabackup'/'vzarestore' commands. - An issue in the e1000 network driver may cause network on Windows Server 2012 R2 Update 1 virtual machines to stop working. For more details, see http://kb.sp.parallels.com/en/123253. - Converting a Hyper-V virtual machine to a Parallels virtual machine may fail. To work around the problem, use the '--allow-no-os' option when converting the virtual machine. (#PSBM-7201) - Creating a virtual machine in Parallels Cloud Server 6.0 set up in a Parallels Desktop for Mac virtual machine may take a long time. (#PSBM-8528) - Using the WMI console is not supported in Windows virtual machines that you enter with the 'prlctl enter' command. For more information on how to work around the problem, see http://kb.sp.parallels.com/en/114766. (#PSBM-9811) - A Linux virtual machine with less than 4 GB of RAM may hang on startup. To work around the problem, use the 'iommu=soft' option when booting the virtual machine. For details, see http://kb.sp.parallels.com/en/114764. (#PSBM-11807) - Creating snapshots of a Container that has at least one 'prlctl enter' or 'prlctl exec' session open is not supported. To make a snapshot, close the open sessions first. (#PSBM-11871) - Xen virtual machines cannot be migrated to Parallels virtual machines. (#PSBM-12122) - Parallels Cloud Server may freeze a Container trying to consume more disk space than you allocated to it. To solve the problem, increase the amount of disk space for the affected Container. (#PSBM-12213) - The Bash 'echo' command does not report an error when trying to write to a file located on a Parallels Cloud Storage cluster, even if the cluster does not have enough free space. (#PSBM-12621) - Soft lockups in the Linux kernel, up to version 2.6.37, may occur on stopping virtual machines. For more information, see http://kb.sp.parallels.com/en/114761. (#PSBM-13963) - Traffic shaping may not work for bridged virtual network adapters on physical servers with Open vSwitch enabled. (#PSBM-14260) - It is impossible to use the iptables functionality on physical servers with Open vSwitch bridges enabled. (#PSBM-14334) - On systems upgraded from Parallels Server 4 Bare Metal to Parallels Cloud Server 6.0, 'prlctl list –a' may not show the IP addresses of container-bridged network adapters. To view such IP addresses, use the 'vzlist –o IP' command. (#PSBM-14528) - Running virtual machines with Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8 is supported only on servers that have CPUs with the NX (No-eXecute) feature enabled. For details, see http://kb.sp.parallels.com/en/114760. (#PSBM-14837) - Backing up a virtual machine with large virtual disks stored on an LVM partition may take a long time. (#PSBM-14971) - Running the Iometer tool in a virtual machine with Windows and a small amount of RAM may cause the virtual machine to crash. To work around the problem, increase the amount of RAM or swap allocated to the virtual machine. (#PSBM-15403) - The ebtables rules are flushed after restarting the ebtables service. (#PSBM-15641) - Creating a cache with updates may fail for containers that run Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. (#PSBM-15707) - C2V migration from Parallels Containers for Windows to Parallels Cloud Server is very slow. (#PSBM-19258) - Cannot migrate a Container with over 2TB of data to a virtual machine. (#PSBM-21613) - On 32-bit Linux guest operating systems, the maximum size of a virtual hard disk was limited to 17592186040320 bytes (16 TiB - 4 KiB). (#PSBM-22193) - Migration of physical Linux hosts which use EFI and GPT to virtual machines is not supported. (#PSBM-24118) - Cannot resize plain virtual hard disks with the --resize_partition option. (#PSBM-26377) - Cannot migrate Parallels Virtuozzo Containers for Windows 4.5 hardware nodes to virtual machines. (#PSBM-29576) - The 'vzctl' utility does not recognize backups attached to virtual machines or Containers. (#PSBM-29752) - Virtual machine configurations with both EFI firmware and SCSI BusLogic controllers enabled are not supported. (#PSBM-30537) 5. Deprecated Features Features considered deprecated will be removed in the next major release of Parallels Cloud Server. They will, however, work and remain supported in Parallels Cloud Server 6.0. The following features are deprecated: - The Virtuozzo file system (VZFS). For more information, see http://kb.parallels.com/119015. - Migration of physical servers to Containers and migration of Xen virtual machines to virtual machines. For more information, see http://kb.parallels.com/119016. - The 'vzbackup', 'vzabackup', and 'pbackup' utilities. For more information, see http://kb.parallels.com/119017. - The global iptables mask configured in '/etc/sysconfig/vz'. - All UBC resources except 'physpages' and 'swappages'. (#PSBM-24231) - The 'vziptables' parameter configured in the kickstart file used for unattended installations of Parallels Cloud Server. (#PSBM-27566) All Parallels Cloud Server 6.0 users are advised to update their tools packages. 6. Obtaining the Update You can download and install the update using the yum utility included in the Parallels Cloud Server 6.0 distribution. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Parallels IP Holdings GmbH and its affiliates. All rights reserved.